LendAPI Partner Podcast with Gopal Swamy CEO and Founder of Conductiv

LendAPI is a Conductiv partner, and hosts Gopal Swamy of Conductiv at the LendAPI Partner Podcast. Gopal talks about how Conductiv revolutionizes lending and account opening by using data aggregation and AI-driven insights to make credit decisions smarter and more efficient. Hosted by Rutger van Fassen, this episode delves into how Conductiv is making lending smarter, faster, and more inclusive.

Conductiv Announces Completion of Filene Research Institute Incubator

Conductiv is excited to see the completion of the Filene Research Institute Incubator. The final report documents the value of the Conductiv platform and the lift in loan approval rates and increased efficiency of underwriting teams obtained through the use of consumer-permissioned data. Conductiv addresses key challenges in lending operations related to “stipulation chasing.”

TruStage Ventures: Fintech Forum on Empowering Financial Inclusion

The webinar covered the challenges of misperceptions about the underserved and unbanked, risk mitigation, and the need for Board buy-in. Shawn Wolbert, CEO of GHS FCU said “With Conductiv being able to verify documentation early on, it makes it easier for the member who’s struggling to get that loan…It bridges a gap between the member and the loan and puts the money into their hands for what they need.”

Conductiv's Gopal Swamy Presents on Access to Open Banking and Alternative Data

Learn how Conductiv provides “white label” access to open banking and alternative data, and AI-driven insights for smaller lenders. This integration with existing Loan Operating Systems (LOS) via their UI, as well as SMS and email, allows Conductiv to become part of the lending process at just the right time, providing a great user experience and getting permissioned data directly to lenders.

Fintech's Future: Insights from Industry Leaders

Bant Breen of UNCAGED interviews three industry leaders. Dive into the dynamic world of fintech, and learn about the latest trends and strategies shaping the future of finance. Gopal Swamy of Conductiv shares how technology can help financial institutions make smarter decisions and how FI’s can increase efficiencies and scalability without changing their lending model.

Reaching Immigrant Communities with ITIN Lending

Gopal Swamy, CEO at Conductiv, stopped by the CU Broadcast Studio Lounge to share highlights and insights from the CUNA Lending Council Conference 2023 session on "ITIN Lending – Helping Your Credit Union Reach Immigrant Communities​." Credit unions are both “mission and margin driven”, and many have found that ITIN applicants have lower risk than the average borrower.

Conductiv - A Solution to Improve Loan Approvals

Conductiv was featured in a webinar sponsored by Filene Research Institute. We joined Filene to discuss our platform's ability to improve loan approval rates for credit unions via the use of permissioned/first party data. The webinar features Christina Williams, VP Loan Operations at Everwise Credit Union, who has seen an increase in loan approval rates, and a decrease in declined loans due to lack of stipulations.

CUbroadcast Interview With Conductiv and TruStage

Conductiv was featured by CUbroadcast at the TruStage Ventures Fintech Summit ‘23. The interview included Gopal Swamy, CEO, Conductiv and Doug Glagola, Director, TruStage Ventures. Mike Lawson of CUbroadcast hosted the interview. Through the TruStage-Conductiv partnership Conductiv is helping credit unions innovate to increase loan approval rates using powerful permissioned data.

Conductiv Presents at Trustage Ventures Fintech Forum

Gopal Swamy, CEO of Conductiv, presents at the Trustage Ventures Fintech Forum on the Conductiv solution and how it can provide “more loans with less work.” This 7-minute presentation provides an overview of Conductiv and discusses customer results showing significant increases in loan approval, income verification, and loan completion rates.

Lenders Must Go Beyond Credit Scores to Help Young Customers

Unless lenders go beyond credit scores and use first party and permissioned data, they will continue to have difficulty approving no FICO and thin FICO applicants. Every lender faces this challenge and at Conductiv, we're proud to be helping CDFIs, credit unions, banks, and fintech lenders provide a better experience to applicants.